Thuraya SIM Card - NOVA Post-Paid

Thuraya SIM Card - NOVA Post-Paid

Why Choose OSC for your Thuraya NOVA Contract?

  • Contract set-up and SIM card sent within 48 hours
  • Easy online Direct Debit set-up
  • Itemised monthly billing

Use a NOVA Pay Monthly SIM card to ensure your Thuraya Satellite Phone is always ready to make a call at reduced per minute rates from selected countries. 
See Thuraya NOVA Zones for more information >

Our Pay Monthly options can be activated with Thuraya GmPRS, for reliable Internet access and data transmission through your Thuraya satellite phones.

Sign up to your Thuraya NOVA Pay Monthly Plan:

Complete the contract online to activate your SIM on our pay monthly plans:

Thuraya SIM Card - NOVA Post-Paid

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NOVA Pay Monthly offers a lower monthly fee and reduced per minute rates when calling from select countries (see tariff details "Zone E countries" for full list). The NOVA SIM card will automatically switch between two different call rates depending on the geographic location of the caller and a premium rate is charged to territories outside of NOVA Zone E countries.

Our Pay Monthly options can be activated with Thuraya GmPRS, for reliable Internet access and data transmission at speeds of up to 60 Kbps downlink and 15 Kbps uplink through your Thuraya satellite phones.

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Service NOVA Plus NOVA Allowance NOVA Free On-Net
Activation Fee $42.00 $42.00 $42.00
Monthly Fee $45.00 $56.00 $63.00
Minimum Term 1 Month 1 Month 1 Month
Monthly Usage Allowance* $25.20 $63.00

Free On-Net Calls**

1000 On-Net Minutes


* Inclusive minutes are calculated on calls to fixed or mobile numbers. Calls to other numbers will be charged at the out-of-bundle rate. All prices are subject to VAT for billing addresses within the EU. Upon activation, the subscription fee and/or allowance will be pro‐rated for 1st month. Upon deactivation, subscription fees and/or allowances are not pro‐rated. If SIM is suspended, a subscription fee will continue to be charged. No rollover of unused minutes is permitted from one billing period to the next.

** Free Thuraya to Thuraya satellite calls up to 1000 minutes per month. For on‐net minutes generated in excess of 1000 minutes per month, the on‐net rate shall apply.



Calling Rates

Calls Originated from Zone E

Service NOVA Plus NOVA Allowance NOVA Free On-Net
Voice to Thuraya $1.05 $1.05 $0.00*
Voice to Band 1 $1.19 $1.19 $1.18
Voice to Band 2 $6.44 $6.44 $6.44
Catch All $10.23 $10.23 $10.23
SMS (per message) $0.49 $0.28 $0.49
GmPRS per MB $3.99 $3.00 $3.99


Calls Originated Outside Zone E


Service NOVA Plus NOVA Allowance NOVA Free On-Net
Voice to Thuraya $1.58 $1.58 $0.00*
Voice to Band 1 $2.31 $2.31 $2.31
Voice to Band 2 $7.63 $7.63 $7.63
Catch All $12.18 $12.18 $12.18


* Inclusive minutes are calculated on calls to fixed or mobile numbers. Calls to other numbers will be charged at the out of bundle rate. All prices are subject to VAT for billing addresses within the EU. Upon activation, subscription fee and/or allowance will be pro‐rated for 1st month. Upon deactivation, subscription fee and/or allowance are not pro‐rated. If SIM is suspended, a subscription fee will continue to be charged. No roll‐over of unused minutes is permitted from one billing period to the next.

** Free Thuraya to Thuraya satellite calls up to 1000 minutes per month. For On‐Net minutes generated in excess of 1000 minutes per month, the On‐Net rate shall apply.






Tariff Details

Band 1 Band 2 Catch All
Afghanistan Dominican Rep. Lesotho Samoa US Cuba


Alaska Ecuador Liberia San Marino East Timor Australia Satellite
Albania Egypt Libya Saudi Arabia Globalstar Cook Islands
Algeria El Salvador Liechtenstein Senegal Inmarsat A Diego Garcia
Andorra Equatorial Guinea Lithuania Seychelles Inmarsat B Inmarsat BGAN
Angola Eritrea Luxembourg Sierra Leone Inmarsat M BGAN HSD
Anguilla Estonia Macau Singapore Inmarsat Mini M Inmarsat B-HSD
Antigua Ethiopia Macedonia Slovakia   Inmarsat M4-HSD
Argentina Faeroe Islands Madagascar Slovenia   Iridium
Armenia Falkland Islands Malawi Somalia   Kiribati
Aruba Fiji Malaysia South Africa   Montserrat
Australia Finland Maldives Spain   Nauru Islands
Austria France Mali Sri Lanka   Niue
Azerbaijan French Guyana Malta St. Kitts and Nevis   Samoa Western
Bahamas French Polynesia Marshal Islands St. Lucia   Sao Tome
Bahrain Gabon Martinique St. Pierre Miquelon   Solomon Islands
Bangladesh Gambia Mauritania St. Vincent   St Helena
Barbados Georgia Mauritius Sudan   Tuvalu
Belarus Germany Mayotte Suriname   Vanuatu
Belgium Ghana Mexico Swaziland   Wallis & Futuna
Belize Gibraltar Micronesia Sweden   Other Destinations
Benin Greece Moldova Switzerland    
Bermuda Greenland Monaco Syria    
Bhutan Grenada Mongolia Taiwan    
Bolivia Guadeloupe Morocco Tajikistan    
Bosnia and Herz. Guam Mozambique Tanzania    
Botswana Guatemala Myanmar Thailand    
Brazil Guinea Namibia Togo    
Brunei Guinea Bissau Nepal Tonga    
Bulgaria Guyana Netherlands Trinidad & Tobago    
Burkina Faso Haiti Netherlands Antilles Tunisia    
Burundi Hawai New Caledonia Turkey    
Cambodia Honduras New Zealand Turkmenistan    
Cameroon Hong Kong Nicaragua Turks & Caicos    
Canada Hungary Niger UAE    
Canary Islands Iceland Nigeria Uganda    
Cape Verde India Norway UK    
Cayman Indonesia Oman Ukraine    
Central African Rep. Iran Pakistan Uruguay    
Chad Iraq Palau USA    
Chile Ireland Palestine Uzbekistan    
China Italy Panama Vatican    
Christmas Is. Jamaica Papa New Guinea Venezuela    
Colombia Japan Paraguay Vietnam    
Comoros Jordan Peru Virgin Is. UK    
Congo B. Kazakhstan Philippines Virgin Is. USA    
Costa Rica Kenya Poland Yemen    
Cote d'Ivoire Korea North Portugal Yugoslavia    
Croatia Korea South Puerto Rico Zaire - Congo K.    
Cyprus Kuwait Qatar Zambia    
Czech Rep Kyrgyzstan Reunion Zanzibar    
Denmark Laos Romania Zimbabwe    
Djibouti Latvia Russia      
Dominica Lebanon Rwandese      
Zone E Countries
Albania Indian Ocean Rwandese
Andaman Sea Indonesia San Marino
Andorra Ireland Sea of Japan
Arafura Sea Isle of Man Selat Karimata
Armenia Italy Senegal
Asia Pacific Japan Sierra Leone
Austria Java Sea Singapore
Azerbaijan Jersey Slovakia
Banda Sea Kara Sea Slovenia
Bangladesh Kenya Solomon Island
Bay of Bengal Kiribati Somalia
Belarus Korea Bay South China Sea
Belgium Korea Straight Spain
Bhutan Korea North Spartly Island
Bo Hai Korea South Sri Lanka
Bosnia and Herz. Kyrgyzstan Straight of Malacca
British Indian Ocean Lebanon Sulu Sea
Brunei Laos Sweden
Bulgaria Latvia Switzerland
Burundi Liberia Taiwan
Cambodia Liechtenstein Taiwan Strait
Cameroon Lithuania Tajikistan
Celebes Sea Luxembourg Thailand
China Macedonia Timor Sea
Coral Sea Makassar Strait Tunisia
Coral Sea Island Malawi Tuvalu
Croatia Malaysia Uganda
Cyprus Maldives Ukraine
Czech Rep   United Kingdom
Denmark Malta Uzbekistan
East China Sea Marshalls. Vanuatu
East Timor Mauritania Vietnam
Equatorial Guinea Moldova Yellow Sea
Eritrea Monaco Yugoslavia (Montenegro)
Estonia Mongolia Yugoslavia (Serbia)
Federal State of Micronesia Mozambique Zambia
Fiji Myanmar Zimbabwe
Finland Nepal  
Flores Sea Netherlands  
France New Caledonia  
Gambia New Zealand  
Georgia Norfolk Island  
Ghana Northern Mariana Island
Gibraltar Norway  
Greece Pacific Ocean  
Guam Palau  
Guernsey Papa New Guinea  
Guinea Paracel Island  
Guinea Bissau Philippines  
Gulf of Thailand Poland  
Hungary Portugal  
Iceland Romania  
India Russia  

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