Use your iPhone with the new SatSleeve without GSM signal
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The Thuraya Satsleeve for iPhone
The new release not only allows users to make phone calls and to send SMS messages via Thuraya’s satellite network, it also enables them access to emails, as well as popular social media and instant messaging apps such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and WhatsApp among others. Thuraya SatSleeve users can now post news updates, chat via messaging apps with their contacts as well as send and receive email from the most remote locations in satellite mode. The device can be used across Thuraya’s extensive satellite network with coverage in over 140 countries.
Thuraya’s GmPRS service offers the highest data speeds of all the networks for portable satellite phones - you can obtain speeds of up to 60kbps downlink and up to 15kbps uplink which makes their newest product a very viable option for those who want data connectivity in remote locations. Furthermore the GmPRS service is now standard on all new Thuraya SIM activation. The new SatSleeve data will be compatible with iPhone 5 with adapters available to convert the product for iPhone 4/4S use becoming available at a later date.