Satellite Communications Kit List for an Atlantic Row - Oarsome Odyssey

oarsome-odyssey-blog Taking on a 3,000 nautical mile row, across the Atlantic, over Christmas and New Year is no mean feat. Kiran and Jay of Oarsome Odyssey have had to make many preparations with safety and communications playing a very important part in the success of their independent row. It was great to help out local boys Kiran and Jay this year as they made their preparations. We provided them with potentially life saving equipment in the form of PLBs, satellite phones and trackers. Satellite Trackers are great devices to have on hand to let followers back home know where you are but if you do come to an emergency situation, at sea or on land, you cannot beat a PLB to call for help to the emergency services. Here's a summary of the satellite communications equipment the boys are carrying on board...

McMurdo Fast Find 220 PLB

McMurdo Fast Find 220 PLB

£148 ex VAT

Our best selling PLB, FastFind 220 from McMurdo is a waterproof GPS enables Personal Locator Beacon. When activated in a life or death situation it will send your GPS location to emergency service and continue to transmit until a rescue is completed.

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Iridium 9555 Satellite PHone

Iridium Satellite Phones

From £781 ex VAT

Jay and Kiran will use the Iridium satellite phones to make brief calls each day back to shore for both safety and sanity purposes!

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inReach Satellite Tracker

inReach Explorer+ Satellite Tracker

£375 ex VAT

Oarsome Odyssey will use the inReach Explorer+ Satellite Tracker to send a GPS location back to their website every hour so that followers can see how they are progressing. The inReach also has an SOS function which could be used if for any reason the PLBs were unavailable.

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Planning your own adventure? Need satellite communications advice? Please contact us on +44(0)1202 801290 to see how we can help.

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