GTC Customers Oarsome Odyssey become World Record Holders on 5,000km Atlantic Ocean Row

We're very pleased to share with that our customers Jay and Kiran of Oarsome Odyssey completed their Atlantic row at the end of January. The gruelling crossing took them 48 days, 6 hours and 31 mins and officially crowns them “Youngest pair to row any Ocean” and “Youngest Siblings to row any Ocean”. The boys carried two Iridium satellite phones as well as a Garmin inReach Tracker. This proved invaluable in keeping worried friends and family back home connected to them. Read our Kit List Blog to find out more about the communications equipment they carried. This epic journey provides a great example of how the inReach can be used to provide crucial tracking anywhere in the world.

Oarsome Odyssey inReach MapShare

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