New Product Feature: Get the latest weather information on your DeLorme Satellite_Tracking device
You can now get the latest weather information sent directly to your DeLorme inReach SE or inReach Explorer Satellite Tracker or alternatively, to the DeLorme Earthmate app. This is excellent news for those users needing to make critical decisions based on weather conditions. The service has been created to allow you to obtain weather information for:
- Your Current Location
- A Specific Waypoint
- Specific coordinates which can be manually entered
What weather information is available?
Basic The Basic forecast includes temperature, precipitation, wind speed and direction, and atmospheric pressure details for three days in six-hour intervals. Each forecast counts as one text message against your data plan. Source:
Premium (Non-marine) The Premium forecast includes temperature, precipitation, wind speed and direction, and atmospheric pressure details for seven days. The first twelve-hours are forecast in one-hour intervals, followed by intervals of increasing length for the remaining days. Each forecast costs $1 per request. Source:
Premium (Marine) In addition to the details of the Premium forecast, the Marine feature also includes wave height, current, and visibility details. Each forecast costs $1 per request. Source: OCENS