IsatPhone Pro users to experience short service outage on 12 November

IsatPhone_Pro_BalanceOutage will occur at 21:00 UTC for 3 hours in Europe, Middle East & Africa

Inmarsat’s Alphasat satellite was successfully launched on 25 July this year and has now reached its in-service orbital location at 25 degrees East, covering Europe, the Middle East and Africa.

It is intended that Global Satellite Phone Services (GSPS) will be the first to migrate from the Inmarsat-4 (I-4) F2 satellite to Alphasat on 12 November 2013.

Global Satellite Phone Services include IsatPhone Pro, IsatPhone Link and FleetPhone.

The migration of GSPS traffic from I-4 F2 to Alphasat will take place in the I-4 EMEA coverage region at 21:00 UTC on 12 November 2013 during a scheduled three-hour maintenance window.

During this time end-user customers will experience a service outage while the transfer is made.

Once the migration is complete, GSPS traffic will resume as normal and customers will be able to make voice calls and set up data connections in the usual way. No additional action by end-users is required.

Please contact us if you have any questions about this outage.

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