Globalstar prepares six new second-generation satellites for July launch
Globalstar, Inc. a leading provider of mobile satellite voice and data services to businesses, government, and recreational consumers announced that six new Globalstar satellites are now being prepared for the second launch of the Company's second-generation satellite constellation. The satellites now undergoing pre-launch testing and integration in preparation for launch from the Baikonur Cosmodrome. Engineers and technicians from launch services provider Arianespace and satellite manufacturer Thales Alenia Space have begun the necessary testing and integration process in preparation for a July liftoff using the highly reliable Soyuz launch vehicle. Later this year Globalstar plans to conduct two additional launches of six satellites per launch also using the Soyuz.
In October 2010 the same launch vehicle was used to successfully launch six new Globalstar second-generation satellites. Globalstar signed a contract with Thales Alenia Space in late 2006 for the design, manufacture and delivery of its second-generation constellation satellites. In 2007 Globalstar contracted with Arianespace for a total of four launches of six satellites each using the reliable human-rated Soyuz, which is also used to launch astronauts and cosmonauts to the international space station. Globalstar plans to integrate the 24 new second-generation satellites with the eight first-generation satellites that were launched in 2007. The new satellites are designed to support Globalstar's current lineup of voice, Duplex and Simplex data products and services including the Company's lineup of SPOT retail consumer products.