406Day 2018 - Highlighting the Benefits and Responsibilities of Owning an SOS Beacon
What is 406Day?
406Day is an annual event to drive awareness of life-saving beacons operating on the 406 Mhz frequency - PLBs, EPIRBs and ELTs. Not only was 406Day established to recognise the benefits of owning a 406 Mhz SOS Beacon but also to remind current owners to ensure their beacon is ready for the coming season. Beacons operating on the 406 Mhz frequency are Personal Locator Beacons (PLBs), Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacons (EPIRBs) and Emergency Locator Transmitters (ELTs). These Beacons are designed to initiate rescue in a life or death situation by sending co-ordinates to local emergency services. Starting from just £195 and with no ongoing subscription costs, SOS Beacons are essential kit for anyone venturing off the grid, on or off the water. GTC offers Beacons from trusted manufacturers ACR, McMurdo and Ocean Signal. Want to know more about SOS Beacons? Check out our Guide to SOS Beacons.Get 10% off all PLBs and EPIRBs when you order on our website before 8th April!
Just use promo code 406DAY2018 at the checkout.
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