general inquiries
ESN: Electronic Serial Number.
GTC: Global Telesat Communications.
ICCID: Integrated Circuit ID - A unique number which identifies SIM cards.
IMEI: International Mobile Equipment Identity - A unique number which identifies equipment.
IMSI: International Mobile Subscriber Identity - A unique number which identifies SIM cards.
Inmarsat BGAN: Broadband Global Area Network.
Inmarsat FBB: Fleet BroadBand.
Inmarsat GSPS: Global Satellite Phone Service.
Inmarsat SBB: Swift BroadBand.
MSISDN: Mobile Subscriber Integrated Services Digital Network Number - Or more commonly, your satellite phone number.
MSISDN-C: This is your data phone number.
MSS: Mobile Satellite Services.
PIN: Personal Identification Number - Used to allow use of SIM and equipment.
PUK: Personal Unblocking Code - Required to unlock blocked SIM cards.
SBD: Short Burst Data - An Iridium Data service.
SIM: Subscriber Identity Module - SIM card.
hours of operation
Monday - Friday
9AM - 5 PM EST
find us
Orbital SatCom
3250 Mary St., Suite 410,
Coconut Grove, FL 33133,
United States