Are you feeling adventurous? Join Dave Cornthwaite on his next trip!
Dave Cornthwaite is the British adventurer behind Project Origin: 25 Stand Up Paddleboard Journeys, each 100 miles or more. A series of adventures designed to make a difference.
He hopes to put one million new trees in the ground within 5 years through donations, corporate support and, ultimately, through the power of adventure. He is looking for 200 people (or groups) to take on an adventure, in return for committing a minimum fundraise of £500.
The first leg of Project Origin kicks off at the end of November, beginning with a 130 mile circumnavigation of Martinique, in the Caribbean. He will be using his DeLorme inReach Explorer, whilst we provide the airtime to track his entire journey.
If you are interested in joining Dave please click here to find out more.