Video | Polar Preet's Product Review

Preet Chandi, the history-making, record-breaking, South-Pole-reaching ex-army physiotherapist and recent news sensation, stayed connected with friends and loved ones back home through the use of her Iridium satellite communications equipment, proudly supplied by Global Telesat Communications.

After her epic journey was over, Preet sat down – in her tent – to give a quick overview of the different types of communications gear she had with her to help her send photos, make phone calls, and provide invaluable peace of mind to her army of followers back in the wider world.

Preet brought with her the truly global Iridium 9575 Extreme Satellite Phone and Iridium GO! WiFi Hotspot, saying: “If anything happened to my satellite phone I could use the Iridium GO! which is connected to my phone and through the app, I could use my phone to make phone calls.

“To think you can send photos from the middle of Antarctica! Both devices were really good – Iridium’s amazing! All the way from Antarctica, I want to say a huge thank you to GTC for your support and providing me with a lot of my comms equipment!”

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